Under Minister Dr Yasmine Fouad’s directives, the Ministry of Environment is actively engaging the private sector in Egypt’s waste management and clean energy initiatives. This effort aligns with the broader national strategy to promote renewable energy projects.
A recent meeting was held to discuss the progress of establishing Egypt’s first municipal solid Waste-to-Energy plant in Abu Rawash, Giza. Mr Yasser Abdullah, Assistant to the Minister of Environment and CEO of the Waste Management Regulatory Authority, met with key stakeholders, including Mr Robert Valk, Founder and CEO of Green Tech Egypt & Renergy Group Partners, Mr Ali Al-Dhaheri, CEO of Tadweer UAE, and Mr Eslam Ramadan, Company Manager of Green Tech Egypt. They discussed the latest updates on the Abu Rawash project, managed by the Renergy Group Partners consortium, which includes Military Production, Green Tech Egypt, and Oak Holding.
Mr Valk praised the ongoing coordination among all parties involved in the Waste-to-Energy project, emphasising its anticipated positive impact on the environment and economy. Mr Abdullah reiterated the importance of integrating the private sector into the waste management system. He discussed potential investments by Tadweer UAE in various types of waste management in Egypt, including municipal, construction and demolition, medical, and agricultural waste.
Tadweer UAE is the financial investor, funder, and strategic partner for the Abu Rawash project, a collaboration between the Giza Governorate, the National Authority for Military Production, and Renergy Group Partners.